
    You are now the proud owner of a new set of nail extensions or overlays. Please take pride but also take care and attention.

    Your new nails will need regular maintenance (approximately every 2 weeks).

    As your natural nail grows, the product will grow with it, thus leaving a small gap at the cuticle end of the nail. This gap will need in-filling and your nails rebalanced.

    Occasionally, you may find that you lose a nail. Don’t be disheartened, ladies occasionally lose a nail but the advantage with nail extensions is that we can put another one on for you!

    Hints and Tips

    • Return regularly for maintenance
    • Always use the pads of your fingers on switches.
    • Use a pencil end on a telephone or calculator
    • Pick things up with the sides of your fingers.
    • Use non-acetone nail varnish remover and apply cuticle oil and hand cream daily.
    • Use the correct nail files if you wish to shape or shorten.
    • Wear gloves for housework or gardening.
    • Don't attempt home removal – you could damage your natural nails
    • Don't be tempted to pick or bite your nails

    Good luck with your nails and have fun!

    If you have any questions, please contact us.
    Get in touch